Thursday, July 3, 2008

Super Hero arrives from the skies!

Pretty unbelievable about the Praying Mantis coming from above. All gardeners respect Mother Nature and the power of the Universe but this is a pretty direct answer to Carol’s problem with the aphids. She has been talking about it and taking pictures of the aphids for a few days now. Amazing. He even waited for her to take a picture!
Pretty cute little guy.
I hope he dined well. 


momoney said...

I hoped the little guy washed his hands before digging in on the aphids. How well is he doing against the little buggers?

Carol & Susan said...

I will let you know how the praying mantis likes the aphid buffet.---Carol

Carol & Susan said...

Unfortunately, I think I need an entire army of praying mantis to help with the aphid problem. I am going to spray with Ivory dish soap and water and see if that deters the aphids and annoying ants. I did have a another chance encounter with a praying mantis today, outside this time. Too bad it wasn't on my ornamental rhubarb. No, it was located in a different garden 50 feet away from the aphid infestation! What is an organic gardener to do? ---- Carol

momoney said...

Order some more mantis pods!

momoney said...

You might need to get some Aphidius colemani. These are an aphid parasite and look like they would clean up your problem.

eatswedishfish said...

Praying mantis is good sauteed in a little olive oil with garlic! Yummy!!