The tomatoes are finally arriving! Those little ‘chocolate’ tomatoes of Carol’s are just as cute as their name. I have harvested approximately five little gems from my own tomato plants so far—just about enough for half of a salad. Not much of a farmer. The chard is more than ready to eat but it looks so pretty in its elaborate container that I haven’t indulged yet. A small eggplant has been growing steadily but the other vegetables that my husband and I planted are still smallish—I think that it is because we planted them in the same area where our old oak used to be. Even after its demise, I still feel its presence...
Also, I promised to post the photo of the woman who had the first tomato (that I knew of) this season!
Can't wait for the bumper crop of tomatoes to ripen. I can see their shiny catepillar green shapes among the tomato plants. How long will they make us wait?
Our tomato plants seem slower this year... although they have plenty of green fruit so I know they are a-comin'.
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