Saturday, July 25, 2009

Specialty catalogs offer a selection of lily bulbs

1. McClure and Zimmerman. Call 1-800-883-6998 or order online at Highlights: ‘Casablanca’; a popular and fragrant white Oriental lily.
2. White Flower Farm. Call 1-800-503-9624 or order online at www. white Highlights: ‘True Colors Mix’; pure, bold colors light up your garden like a firecracker.
3. Brent and Becky’s Bulbs. Call 1-877-661-2852 or order online at www. Highlights: Lilium Regale; great for the evening garden.
4. Old House Gardens. Call 1-734-995-1486 or order online at www.old Highlights: ‘Black Beauty’; gorgeous turk’s cap flowers of dark raspberry, edged in silver—long lived and ‘indestructible’.
5. Van Engelen. Call (860)567-8734 or browse their website at Highlights: Asiatic Pixie lilies; short, sturdy stems.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Rain hogs

I have become more interested in rain gardens this year because of the huge amount of water that has fallen this spring.
I think we actually broke a record for June. I have talked with so many people who have diverted their excess water into garden beds, ponds and even little creeks that connect the ponds. David Husemoller from was featured in the GreenHouse page in the Chicago Sun-Times on 7.04.09. He practices the art of sustainable landscaping and offers many native water loving plants such as Blue Flag Iris, Cardinal Flower, Obedient Plant, Cup Plant and Golden Alexander, through his company, Earth Wild Gardens. Give it a try!