Thought I would post some information about dividing Asiatic lilies so you can enjoy even more of them.
I love how they multiply every year and come up between the hostas and fall anemones. Almost like I planned it!
The best time to divide them is between late Sept. through early Oct.
1. Carefully dig the clump up with a garden fork so you don’t chop the bulbs in half with a regular spade.
2. Separate the larger bulbs and pull the smaller bulbs away from the stem. Sometimes it helps to spray the bulbs with water so you can see them more easily.
3. Before planting, remove the stem from this year’s growth.
4. Replant larger bulbs 4-6 inches deep and smaller bulbs about 1-2 inches deep. The bulbs tend to dig themselves in deeper over time. The Asian lilies are really great at naturalizing over time. The more the merrier!